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Garrigues Daughter's Home
833 Buck Lane, Haverford, PA 
Photo by Seth Hinshaw.

     Sometime around 1850, Samuel and his wife, Sarah, and their four unmarried daughters, Hannah (52), Mary Mitchell (50), Beulah (46), and Sarah (40). relocated from their former residence at 620 College Avenue to a new house at 523 Oakley Road. The new house was located in the northeast section of their farm, adjacent to the meetinghouse and near Albert G. Preston's home, as well as Lindley M. Moore, superintendent, and teacher for Haverford 1858 through 1850, as per the August 4, 1850 Census.


     The family's decision to move to 523 Oakley Road, next to the meetinghouse, was understandable considering that Samuel and Sarah were getting older, 78 and 80, respectively. Furthermore, their four unmarried daughters were Hannah (52), Mary Mitchell (50), Beulah (46), and Sarah (40).

      For more information about Samuel Garrigues, his family and how his 132-acre farm eventually became the Millbrook housing development see my new history book Haverford to Bryn Mawr at:


     "Haverford to Bryn Mawr" delves into the captivating narratives and historical events that left an indelible mark on the Brynford area. By exploring the lives of Garrigues, Lloyd, Preston, Black, and Martin, we gain insight into how their fascinating stories and experiences have significantly shaped our local community. These remarkable people played a pivotal role in transforming our once rural farmlands into the vibrant suburban community we know today. The book is packed with engaging and intriguing facts, all meticulously sourced.

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